miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2011

Taller unidades 3 y 4
Unidad 3. Técnicas de lectura: predicción, scanning y skimming.

  • Seleccione un texto que tenga una imagen.
  • Observe la imagen y conteste las siguientes preguntas.

Impact of Global Warming on Earth

The impact of global warming is already being seen around the world. Record temperatures in many parts of the world this summer point to more than just localised temperature fluctuations, but to the more global trend that has been observed over the last 3 decades. Despite efforts on behalf of some countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as the Kyoto treaty, the world as a whole is pumping out more and more carbon dioxide every year. Yes, countries like Norway and Holland are meeting their goals to reduce emissions, but this is small fry when countries such as China and India are pumping out more and more every year. The effects of global warming that have been witnessed this year are record temperatures and dry spells in countries like Russia, and record rainfall in countries like Pakistan. As a result, Russian crops have failed like never before, and hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis have lost their homes, or worse, been killed. These incidents, however, are still localised ‘unpleasantaries,’ and most parts of the world has ticked on as normal.

Preguntas y Respuestas:
  • De acuerdo al título y la imagen: ¿cuál cree usted que es el tópico que está a punto de leer?
El calentamiento de la Tierra, y su impacto en nuestra sociedad.

Luego lea el texto
  • ¿Cuál es la idea general del texto?
El impacto que está teniendo el calentamiento global de la Tierra, y sus efectos en los países y en los seres vivos.

  • ¿Qué palabras se repiten?
Global warming, world, record, temperature, localized, global, countries, reduce, year.

  • ¿Que palabras se parecen al español?
Global, record, temperature, temperatures, localized, reduce, Russia, Pakistan, Holland, parts, decades, normal, carbon, effects, China, India, incidents.

  • ¿Cuales son las palabras en negrita, el titulo, subtitulo o gráficos que te ayudan a entender el texto?
Global warming, world, record, temperature, localized, global, countries, reduce, year.

  • ¿De qué trata el texto? Lee el primer párrafo y el último o la ultimas ideas del último párrafo.
Impacto que tiene el calentamiento global de la Tierra, y sus efectos en los países y en los seres vivos.

Unidad 4. Patrones de Organización de un Párrafo

A. Seleccione un texto relacionado con su área de experticia. Lea el texto y extraiga:
  • Las definiciones 
  • y los marcadores de definición. 
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics. According to most contemporary theories of justice, it is overwhelmingly important: John Rawls claims that "Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought." Justice can be thought of as distinct from and more fundamental than benevolence, charity, mercy, generosity or compassion. Justice has traditionally been associated with concepts of fate, reincarnation or Divine Providence, i.e. with a life in accordance with the cosmic plan. The association of justice with fairness has thus been historically and culturally rare and is perhaps chiefly a modern innovation [in western societies].Studies at UCLA in 2008 have indicated that reactions to fairness are "wired" into the brain and that, "Fairness is activating the same part of the brain that responds to food in rats... This is consistent with the notion that being treated fairly satisfies a basic need".

Las definiciones:
a.- Justice is a concept of moral rightness based on ethics, rationality, law, natural law, religion, fairness, or equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics.
b.- Justice is the first virtue of social institutions, as truth is of systems of thought
c- Fairness is activating the same part of the brain that responds to food in rats... This is consistent with the notion that being treated fairly satisfies a basic need".

Los marcadores de definición:
is, is a concept of.

B. Seleccione otro texto relacionado con su área de experticia y extraiga las palabras de secuencia u ordenamiento del tiempo.

Organization of American States/History
The notion of closer hemispheric union in America was first put forward by Simón Bolívar who, at the 1826 Congress of Panama, proposed creating a league of American republics, with a common military, a mutual defense pact, and a supranational parliamentary assembly. This meeting was attended by representatives of Gran Colombia (comprising the modern-day nations of Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela), Peru, the United Provinces of Central America, and Mexico, but the grandly titled "Treaty of Union, League, and Perpetual Confederation" was ultimately ratified only by Gran Colombia. Bolívar's dream soon floundered with civil war in Gran Colombia, the disintegration of Central America, and the emergence of national rather than continental outlooks in the newly independent American republics. Bolívar's dream of American unity was meant to unify Latin American nations against imperial domination by external power. The pursuit of regional solidarity and cooperation again came to the forefront in 1889–90, at the First International Conference of American States. Gathered together in Washington, D.C., 18 nations resolved to found the International Union of American Republics, served by a permanent secretariat called the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics (renamed the "International Commercial Bureau" at the Second International Conference in 1901–02). These two bodies, in existence as of 14 April 1890, represent the point of inception to which today's OAS and its General Secretariat trace their origins. At the Fourth International Conference of American States (Buenos Aires, 1910), the name of the organization was changed to the "Union of American Republics" and the Bureau became the "Pan American Union". The Pan American Union (building) was constructed in 1910, on Constitution Avenue, Northwest, Washington, D.C.

  • Marcadores de Tiempo

First, at the 1826, soon, 1889–90, 1901–02, 14 April 1890, 1910,  in 1910

  • Idea general del párrafo
Breve reseña de los inicios de LA Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA)

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